Wednesday, February 08, 2006

People who live in Glass Houses shouldn't throw Stones....

Well, I am now stone-free it seems. Except for some back pain from the procedure, I am doing OK. They figure the stones (yes, there was actually 2 of them) were most like made up of oxylate. Foods high in oxylate include: Nuts, dark leafy greens, chocolate, berries and peanut butter. Who knew that eating healthy could cause problems? I just have to make sure to keep ultra-hydrated, increase my calcium, and I should be OK:)

In other news (this is how the title ties in...LOL) we were just approved for a mortgage! We are really excited and have looked at a couple of places already. We completey fell in love with one place, but were outbid by a lot. We are the back up offer, so you never know! Fingers crossed:)


Katie said...

House shopping can be such an emotional roller coaster. I had one place I fell in love with, offered over the asking price, was outbid, and when I found out what the selling price was I was really mad, because I would have offered alot more if I had known. That seems to be how the game is played though. Good luck!


scrapeahappy said...

Very Exciting News that you are on the mend, and that you have been approved for your mortgage. Shopping for the perfect place can be difficult at times. But, once you have an accepted offer and it is officialy yours for the purchasing, it is very exciting. Keep me posted witht the house shopping.