Thursday, October 27, 2005

Feta Cheese...a cheesy tale

Last night my husband and I went for dinner with my mother-in-law. We went to Anducci's, one of my favourite restaurants. At the end of our meal, I combined my leftovers with Dusten's., so I would not be tempted to eat anymore the next day (my carnivore of course had a meat dish I would not touch with a ten foot pole!)
When we got home, I put the pasta into containers, one of which was a feta cheese container.

The next morning I made our lunches. I put the feta cheese container full of pasta into Dusten's lunch, along with some other goodies.

He called me at lunchtime to thank me for the delicious tub of feta cheese I had sent him with to work. I had mixed up the containers and sent him with an actual container of feta! He wanted to know what cheese I would be featuring for dinner. Poor guy!

Well, this weekend is our 5th anniversary. I am pretty excited, as we are staying at the Pan Pacific, and have a fun night planned. I have a cool surprise as a gift for Dusten...I can't wait to give it to him. I will post back on Sunday to update on how our night went, and hopefully will have some pictures:)


Danea Burleson said...

First...ROFLMAO! I can just imagine his reaction, and the 'what cheese will be featured for dinner?' just cracks me up!

Second, You will need to change yur setting once again so that we have to type a letter combo in order to post. Seems like a pain but if not, you will continue to get this spam crap featured in the comment before myself.

Happy anniversary. Have fun you guys!

Anonymous said...

Well ..lets see.. your going to the Pan Pacific for your anniversary and plan on having a fun night complete with pictures.. WOW KINKY!!!!!

please send them to me so I can show the guys at work LOL :-)~^~^~^
P.S I know your father-in-law.. what a great man!!!!
P.P.S. Happy Anniversary