Saturday, September 01, 2007


It has been a very long summer. Those who know me very well know that it has probably been the hardest summer of my life. I have been fortunate to have some very close amazing friends and family to help me through it all. I can honestly say things are calm and there is some happiness in my life once again. I don't know what the future holds and what it will bring, but for one day at a time, I am content.

Hunter is 5 months old already! She is now eating blueberry applesauce and rice cereal and absolutely loves it! She just came back from a 5 day visit with granny and papa while I was at some Pro-D workshops. I can't believe how much smarter and even more advanced she was just after 5 days. She loves to touch people's faces and study them, and loves textures and music. She is on the verge of crawling and still loves to smile:) Here she is at granny and papa's:

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