Sunday, January 14, 2007

26 1/2 weeks.....

pregnancy calendar

I feel huge. I know realistically I have only gained 11 lbs, but I feel huge. I have officially said goodbye to all of my old clothes and can only wear my maternity clothes now. Luckily Old Navy had some great boxing day sales......

I find that I am having a lot of leg cramps lately. They wake me up at night, and it is like the worst charlie horse you can imagine. The pain is usually in my calf muscle or the arch of my foot. The muscle completely tightens up, and I am completely paralyzed from the pain. I am not sure what it is from, but will definitely ask my doctor on tuesday at my next appointment.

We recently sold our monster falling apart 4x4 Dakota that needed about $2500 worth of work done to it. We bought a little Firefly, which costs us 1/4 of the gas we used to use, and is 1/2 the insurance. We are hoping to get something a little bigger when the baby comes, but that will be down to finances, which will be drastically less when I am on maternity leave.


scrapeahappy said...

I am sorry to hear that you have been having the leg cramps at night! That must be affecting your sleep quite a bit. I am happy to hear that your little car is working out for you! I am hoping that we will have a chance to connect sometime this week!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that you are glowing!!!! Pregnancy looks good on you.