Sunday, March 19, 2006


I decided to start a new house wishlist on my blog. After going to Ikea the other day with my aunt and nana, I saw so many wonderful things that would be great for our new place. We are going to need a new dresser, a new smaller entertainment unit, and some new decoration-type things.

As our couch is completely collapsed now on one side, I have been researching new couches as well. I am totally in love with one from the Brick

Isn't it great? Maybe there is a couch fairy who buys people new couches:) A gal can dream...


Katie said...

Check out Sofa So Good as well. They usually have a sale around this time of year, and it can take about 6 weeks to get your couch, so it's worth looking ahead of time. I got my sofa and my chair and a half from there, and I loooove them.

Anonymous said...

If any two people deserve it, it's you two.. You both have worked so hard for this! I hope the couch fairy comes through for you:)

scrapeahappy said...

Hey it is time for you to update your blog too!

Enjoyed our visit last night. It was great to catch up!

Anonymous said...

geez.. wish I could help.. but I am workin full time as the "Grouch Fairy"!!!!