Sunday, November 25, 2007

My water baby....

I can't believe I will be back at work in 6 weeks. My mat leave has gone by so fast. I will miss being with my little girl every day! I am fortunate that I will have great daycare. One of the parents of former students at the school I work at takes care of some of the staff members children. She only does it for a couple of them, and she is amazing. She brings them by the school for special events, to play on the playground, and for lunch time visits. It will make me feel less nervous having Hunter so close. And, I know all the children that she will be with, as they are the children of my co-workers. As soon as I got pregnant, I pretty much ran to this woman to make sure she would have room....lucky me! And her rates are very reasonable too.

We have been taking Hunter swimming at the pool quite a bit lately...she loves it. She is definitely a water baby:) But then we knew that at 6 weeks when we started having baths with her.....we have never used her baby tub as she enjoyed the bath too much!

Dusten is going to start swimming lessons with her in January.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happiness is........

Finally being big enough to use a swing on a crisp Autumn day.....

A picture is worth a thousand words...